
Synchronous Pulley Aluminum plate Synchronous Belt V-belt V-Pulley Rack Specialty Tapes



PJ multi wedge pulley


Multi-wedge Belt



Basic parameters

1.Multi-wedge Bel

The Product features as the reasonable structure, high belt strength. Small elongation, accurate length, balanced transmission. It resists to heat, flex, wear, oil, chemical corrosion.

Wedge distance 1.60 2.34 3.56 4.70 9.40
Wedge top arc rabius,rb,min value 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.40 0.50
Wedge base arc rabius,rb,max value 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.40 0.75
Belt height,h,approximate value 3 4 6 10 17
Basic parameters

1.Raw edge V-belt

Type Top width Height,h Effectivr length Angle
Raw edge V-belt Raw edge cogged V-belt Raw edge V-belt Raw edge cogged V-belt
AV-10 AVX-10 10.0 9.5 8.0 450-2000 40°
AV-13 AVX-13 13.0 8.5 9.0 500-2500 40°
AV-17 AVX-17 16.5 9.5 11.0 650-3000 40°
AV-22 AVX-22 22.0 ? 13.0 800-3500 40°

2、Variable speed V-belt for industry

Representation of Variable speed V-belt for industry

Type Top Width Pitch width Height Dutum lengt
W16 17 16 6 600~2500
W20 21 20 7
W25 26 25 8
W31.5 33 31.5 10
W40 42 40 13
W50 42 50 16
W63 65 63 20
W80 83 80 26
W100 104 100 32

3.Narrow V-belt

Type Top width Pitch width Height Length
Type Cogged raw edge
SPZ XPZ 10.0 8 8 Dutum length ,Ld
SPA XPA 13.0 11 10
SPB XPB 17.0 14 14
SPC XPC 22.0 19 18 Dutum length ,Le
3V/9N 3VX/9NX 9.5 ? 8
5V/15N 5VX/15NX 16.0 ? 13
8V/25N 8VX/25NX 25.5 ? 23
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